Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Bright Color Pants

I am loving bright colored pants! Couple of weeks ago I got a pair of bright blue pants perfect for work. As you saw in the Job Interview post, I am wearing them! I find bright blue easier to pull off than bright red. But I know down the line I will eventually get suckered into buying a bright red pants.  Currently, I am shopping around for a pair of bright yellow pants. It might still be a bit soon to wear such a light color pant as the weather in New York is still randomly cold.  The colors on my list are yellow, coral (crazy for coral this season!!!) and purple.  WOW they are all warm colors. The reason I am not interested in turquoise or green is because they remind me of scrubs, but it really depend on the types of turquoise or green.   Here's a recap of that phone photo I took of my bright blue pants. (got lots of compliments from it!!)

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